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Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine page 9

Friday 7 February 2020

Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine page 9

Instructor led training and the eBook Training using eBooks requires a rethink of the content. This isn't an obstacle. It just requires a different approach. Are you thinking of using eBooks within your instructor led training courses? Certainly, there are many advantages – no expensive shipping costs and lost parcels – no lugging of heavy manuals for delegates – the ability to provide a deeper learning experience through links and videos – the integration of assessment tools, to name but a few. But there are other considerations with the eManual. Having been involved for some time with eBooks in this market, here are some lessons learnt: 1. Do they download? Arriving to give your training course to find the training manuals and other materials have not arrived is one of the trainer’s worth nightmares. Having the materials sent electronically before the course looks like a solution.
But, has the candidate downloaded the eBook or will they leave it until the start of the course before taking any action? This sounds like an issue but your choice of eBook provider can overcome this. EBooks leave a digital footprint so that it is possible to see if the book has been downloaded well before the course. A system of reminders can then auto-prompt the delegate. Do we have the right address? Many a delivery of physical books has gone astray because of poor addressing. The advantage of the eBook is that a wrong email address can be identified and corrected well before the course. One issue for trainers is whether you want delegates to have materials before the course. Great for pre-course reading. But, depending on teaching method and materials, this will need some thought. Often the physical handout is not given until after the discussion and learning.
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