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Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 21

Friday 7 February 2020

Inside Learning Technologies e-Magazine Page 21

Case study: Etex building performance The Journey to a Learning Management System Etex Building Performance UK is a subsidiary of the Etex Group, a Belgian family owned manufacturing business built through multiple acquisitions over a century. The Challenge From the start the challenge was starting from scratch. There was no pre-existing system being used to record learning, it was just spreadsheets on different drives. There was nothing to improve and build from, so this was the true beginning of a Learning Management System.
The main drive to roll out a Learning Management System was to be compliant with ISO OHSOS 18001 and to fill in the gaps the central HR system could not provide. However, the system still needed to have a seamless link between multiple platforms including the global learning management platform that hosted content; the local document control system; and needed to host internal local content as well. Another challenge to face was that there was only one full time employee able to work on the deployment of the system. Last but not least the last challenge was the audience: manufacturing. With low IT literacy across numerous different plants in the UK and a remote workforce of home-based employees. The Solution Totara Learn was chosen as the first Learning Management System (LMS) for Etex Building Performance UK. Chambury Learning Solutions (CLS) were chosen as their Partner because of the support given in the implementation and post deployment. With just one full time employee able to work on the implementation, support was key
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