Word limit
There is a maximum word limit of 2,000 words for all submissions. Submissions exceeding the maximum word limit will not be judged and therefore not considered for shortlisting.
This word limit includes:
- appendices,
- testimonials,
- slides in any format
The word count does not include the 100 words executive summary.
Submissions and additional media must be in English.
Please observe the judging criteria for each individual category using the drop-down menu on the category page.
Executive summary
This should be a summary of the entry, the maximum length of which is 100 words. The summary will be published on our website if your entry is shortlisted, and will therefore enter the public domain. It may be used later in other collateral connected with this awards scheme.
The summary will be published without prior consultation with you and it is your responsibility to ensure that the summary does not include any confidential or other information that you do not wish to see in the public domain.
Additional media
Submissions may be accompanied by any or all of the following:
- a short video file or a link to a video sharing site. The maximum cumulative length of 5 minutes for any video(s)
- links to additional material, such as a demo of the programme or product
- slides or static screen displays (maximum of 12)
Terms and conditions
Please ensure you have read the full terms and conditions. By making a registration or submission to this awards scheme, in any category, you agree to adhere to, and be bound by, these terms and conditions.