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How Investing in Your Deskless Workforce Drives Success

Tuesday 18 June 2024

How Investing in Your Deskless Workforce Drives Success

Dan Frank
How Investing in Your Deskless Workforce Drives Success

The narrative of automation often conjures images of robots replacing office workers, or ChatGPT typing out reams of copy. But a revolution is brewing on factory floors, farms, and for field sales and technicians, along with other essential workers who work without a desk.

The deskless workforce, the backbone of numerous industries, is facing a critical juncture. Technological advancements are transforming their tasks and demanding a new set of skills to stay relevant.

There's an undeniable transformative power of deskless training and development programs across the manufacturing, telecommunications, agriculture and automotive sectors. By investing in reskilling and upskilling initiatives, companies can unlock a treasure trove of potential, boosting innovation, efficiency and competitiveness.


Manufacturing: From Assembly Lines to Innovation Labs

Imagine a factory floor abuzz with activity. Along with robotic arms and 3D printers are essential workers who require regulatory health and safety training on all the equipment. This is a new reality for manufacturing, where automation and advanced techniques are rapidly reshaping workflows. To thrive in this environment, employees need to constantly embrace new technologies and ensure industry standards.

Reskilling and upskilling these manufacturing workers is the launchpad for a digital transformation. By equipping workers with the knowledge to master new skills, understand complex machinery, and troubleshoot automation systems, companies empower them to actively participate in the future of production. Benefits are multifaceted.

A skilled deskless workforce in manufacturing can optimise production processes, minimise downtime due to automation glitches, and contribute to the development of next-generation manufacturing techniques. This translates to significant cost savings, improved product quality, and a workforce that can adapt to the continuous nature of technology.


Telecom: From Cable Wranglers to Tech-Savvy Deskless Workforce

The telecommunications industry is experiencing a seismic shift driven by the rollout of 5G networks, the ubiquitous integration of the Internet and social media, and a relentless push toward global digital transformation. As companies expand their service offerings and adopt more cutting-edge technologies, the demand for a highly skilled deskless workforce surges.

Field technicians are no longer just cable wranglers; they are the nerve centre of connectivity. They must be adept at installing and maintaining complex network infrastructure, from 5G towers to intricate fibre optic networks. Customer service representatives, the voice of the company for many clients, must possess the technical expertise to troubleshoot any related connectivity issues, via phone, mail, or online chat.

Investing in comprehensive, continuous training programs empowers the telecom deskless workforce to excel in a dynamic environment. Equipping technicians with in-depth knowledge of 5G technology, fibre optic infrastructure, and IoT device troubleshooting empowers them to resolve customer issues efficiently.

Additionally, training in areas like soft skills and communication ensures exceptional customer service, fostering loyalty and positive brand perception.

The impact is undeniable. A skilled deskless workforce in telecom translates to faster service rollouts, improved first-call resolution rates, and enhanced customer satisfaction. This in turn leads to a significant competitive advantage in a market in which customer experience reigns supreme.


Agriculture: From Manual Labor to Data-Driven Cultivation

The idyllic image of a farmer tilling the land is slowly being replaced by a vision of tech-savvy individuals wielding tablets with data analysis tools and piloting drones. Precision agriculture, a revolutionary approach, leveraging technology to optimise crop yields and resources, is revolutionising the agricultural landscape. This shift creates a new demand: a deskless workforce equipped with the skills to operate and maintain sophisticated equipment.

Forward-thinking agricultural organisations are recognising this need and investing in deskless training programs that empower their workforce. Equipping agriculturalists with expertise in data analysis for crop optimisation, using GPS-guided tractors for precise planting and harvesting, and leveraging drone technology for aerial monitoring empowers them to become active participants in this data-driven future.

The benefits are far-reaching. A skilled deskless workforce in agriculture can optimise resources, reduce waste and maximise crop yields. This not only translates to increased profitability but also contributes to sustainable farming practices that meet the growing global demand for food.


Automotive: Gearing Up for the Electric and Autonomous Revolution

The automotive industry is buckling up for a ride into the future, fuelled by electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous driving, and digital manufacturing processes. This transformation necessitates a complete overhaul of the skillsets required by the automotive deskless workforce.

Assembly line workers who once meticulously assembled gasoline engines now need to master the intricacies of EV battery systems and electric drivetrains. Service technicians, once experts in internal combustion engines, now need to diagnose and repair complex autonomous vehicle systems.

Companies that recognise this shift and invest in training programs for their deskless workforce are setting themselves up for success in this new era. VR or on-the-job training solutions that can be focused on EV assembly techniques, advanced diagnostics for autonomous vehicles, and digital manufacturing processes ensure the workforce remains proficient, adaptable, and capable of delivering high-quality products and services. Moreover, distributors and franchise owners must keep updated with brand standards, industry enhancements and modernisation.

The impact is significant. A skilled deskless automotive workforce and knowledgeable distribution network can ensure smooth transitions to new technologies, minimise errors, and become proficient in selling and servicing complex autonomous vehicles. Overall translating to a faster time-to-market, improved product quality and reliability, and a workforce that is prepared to navigate through the fast-paced automotive atmosphere.


The Deskless Workforce Advantage

By investing in deskless training with continuous reskilling initiatives, via micro-learning or a library of content, companies can unlock the immense potential of their workforce. Across the manufacturing, telecommunications, agriculture, and automotive sectors, a skilled workforce becomes the cornerstone of innovation, efficiency and competitiveness.

A mobile learning solution, such as Enabley, specifically addresses the needs of a deskless workforce. A mobile-first platform provides people with easy access to training materials anytime, anywhere, on any device. This ensures that employees can conveniently learn and upskill on the go, even in environments with limited internet connectivity. Ditto with QR codes, direct access to materials anytime, anywhere, and double check useful resources.

Additionally, robust reporting and data capabilities provide an insightful monitoring system to easily track progress, identify knowledge gaps, and measure the overall effectiveness. This data can be used to continuously improve training content and ensure that employees are acquiring the skills they need to succeed.

Investing in people and creating individualised learning paths is not just about keeping pace with change. It's about harnessing the power of human ingenuity in a technology-driven world. By empowering their deskless workforce with the necessary skills, companies transform their employees from passive participants to active drivers of progress, ensuring long-term success in an ever-developing global marketplace.


Dan Frank Dan Frank

CRO at Enabley

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